The English Standard Version is now free for a limited time with the Faithlife Study Bible (affiliate disclosure). According to the press release,
Starting July 24, anyone who downloads or signs in to the Faithlife Study Bible app will get the English Standard Version free for life! All Faithlife Study Bible app users will get a full license to the ESV Bible, including offline access when Internet is not available. Users can download their free copy of the Faithlife Study Bible app by visiting the Faithlife/ESV giveaway page anytime 12:00 am [Pacific], July 24–11:59 pm, August 10.
The Faithlife Study Bible is available for the web, iOS, Android, and Kindle Fire. A full list of Faithlife Study Bible features is here (affiliate disclosure).
To receive the ESV, current Faithlife Study Bible users just need to sign into the app during the offer period, and the ESV will automatically appear in the Resources tab. Logos users who take advantage of this offer will also find the ESV added to the resources they can access through Logos’s desktop software (affiliate disclosure), mobile apps, and Biblia.com.
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