How to Master IATG for SBL Style with 4 Simple Steps

In the second edition of the SBL Handbook of Style (SBLHS2; affiliate disclosure), chapter 8 is entirely dedicated to abbreviations.1 According to the Handbook,

abbreviations for works not listed below should follow Siegfried M. Schwertner, Internationales Abkürzungsverzeichnis für Theologie und Grenzgebiete, 3rd ed. (Berlin: de Gruyter, 2014 [=IATG3]) (§8.4; affiliate disclosure).

IATG3 can be intimidating, but four simple steps will help you interact seamlessly with this important reference tool.

1. Get IATG3 in paperback.

As of this writing, the hardcover version of IATG3 currently sells for nearly $300 on Amazon (affiliate disclosure), although you can find it a bit cheaper by shopping around.

Thankfully, though, de Gruyter has also released IATG3 in paperback. And as of this writing, you can find this version on Amazon for under $60 (affiliate disclosure) and just over $50 elsewhere.

IATG3 isn’t inexpensive in either case. But there’s definitely enough in it that’s not also in SBLHS2 to make IATG3 a useful tool to have on hand in its own right. And the paperback’s pricing means it’s much more feasible to have your own copy if you can’t access it through a library. Or you may just want to avoid jockeying with others over who’s using the library copy.

2. Consult SBLHS2.

Next, check SBLHS2 (§8.4) for the appropriate abbreviation. This section has two abbreviation lists. The first is sorted by the sources’ names (§8.4.1). According to this list, “Journal of Biblical Literature” becomes simply “JBL” (194).

The second abbreviation list sorts the same works and periodicals as in the first, except that the sort is alphabetical by the sources’ abbreviations (§8.4.2). Generally, this section’s order section follows closely the order of the first. But there are exceptions.

For instance, in the first list, “Journal of Biblical Literature” appears between “Journal of Bible and Religion” and “Journal of Christian Theological Research” (194). But in the second list, “Journal of Biblical Literature” (“JBL“) appears between “Jerome Bible Commentary” (“JBC“) and “Jewish Biblical Quarterly” (“JBQ“) since all three abbreviations begin with “JB” (238).

You’ll probably find the first list more useful when composing a citation or a bibliography entry. You’ll probably find the second more useful if you come across a citation and need to try to decipher an abbreviation in it. But the second list is also incredibly helpful for step 4 below. And it’s practically necessary if you’re working with a print version of SBLHS2.

In any case, for this step, ensure you don’t confuse the two lists. You don’t want to accidentally look at the second list (sorted by abbreviation) and miss something because that list isn’t alphabetized by source.

With that caution in mind, to find a given source’s abbreviation, consult the first list. If you

  • find the source you’re seeking, and it has an abbreviation there, stop. Use this abbreviation; you don’t need to consult IATG3 in this case.
  • don’t find the source you’re seeking, move to the next step and consult IATG3.

3. Consult IATG3.

Like SBLHS2, IATG3 has two main abbreviation lists. The first is sorted alphabetically by abbreviation (3–191). The second is sorted alphabetically by the name of the source (195–726). When you’re using IATG3 according to the guidance of SBLHS2 as quoted above (§8.4), you’ll find IATG3‘s second list most helpful.

For instance, if you needed to cite an article from Scriptura, you’ll find that SBLHS2 doesn’t have a corresponding abbreviation (step 2). So, you’ll then consult the second list in IATG3 (sorted by source name). There, you’ll find four different sources with this name (632). If you’re looking for the Scriptura produced in South Africa, you’ll see that IATG3‘s abbreviation for this source is Scr.(S).

At this point, you might think you’ve found in IATG3 the abbreviation that SBLHS2 (§8.4) wants you to use. And indeed you might have. But before you use that abbreviation, there’s one final check you need to make.

4. Double check SBLHS2 for the abbreviation in IATG3.

What you want to avoid is the confusion of using an abbreviation from IATG3 that SBLHS2 assigns to a different source. For example, if you’re citing something from the “Herders biblische Studien” series, you’ll see SBLHS2 doesn’t include an abbreviation for this source (step 2). You’ll then consult IATG3 and find for this series the abbreviation “HBS” (step 3; 424).

If you look this abbreviation up in SBLHS2‘s second list (sorted by abbreviation), however, you find it’s assigned to “History of Biblical Studies” (235).

What do you do in this case? If you’re strictly following SBLHS2, its abbreviations take precedence over those in IATG3 (SBLHS2 §8.4). So, “HBS” would mean “History of Biblical Studies,” not “Herders biblische Studien.”

You then basically have two options. First, if you’re writing a longer-format piece (e.g., a thesis or dissertation) where you can create your own abbreviation list, you can define your own custom abbreviations for each of these two sources. Or if you only use one of the sources and not the other, you could define “HBS” explicitly as the source you use.

Failing this, second, your best option is not to abbreviate “Herders biblische Studien” at all. You’ll simply write it out in full each time in order to avoid ambiguity and confusion.


At first blush, IATG3‘s hundreds of pages of abbreviations can be intimidating. But by following these steps, it doesn’t take much time to become accustomed to using IATG3 alongside SBLHS2 as you’re composing citations.

  1. Header image provided by Anastasia Zhenina. ↩︎

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