Tag: De Gruyter

  • How to Master IATG for SBL Style with 4 Simple Steps

    How to Master IATG for SBL Style with 4 Simple Steps

    The SBLHS, 2nd ed., defers to IATG, 3rd ed. for abbreviations that SBLHS doesn’t include. Follow these steps to make working with IATG as seamless as possible.

  • Authorities for SBL Style: Abbreviations, Spelling

    Authorities for SBL Style: Abbreviations, Spelling

    We’ve mentioned three levels of authorities for SBL style that apply across your whole project.1 These include house styles (from a publisher or a school), the SBLHS blog, and of course, the SBLHS itself. The next four authorities apply in specific cases. Here, we’ll cover the first two—those for abbreviations and spelling. 4. Specific-case Authorities…

  • Daily Gleanings (8 May 2019)

    De Gruyter Open has a number of volumes in classical and Ancient Near Eastern studies via open access. HT: AWOL Freedom continues the dialog over Apple’s added rules that effectively removed much of Freedom’s functionality for new iOS users. For background, see: Freedom Has Been Temporarily Removed from the App Store How to Download Freedom…