On the web:
- Andrew McGowan interacts with N. T. Wright about the nature of the narratives of Jesus’ birth, especially in Matthew.
- Robert Woods reflects on Desiderius Erasmus and Eva Brann’s Logos of Heraclitus.
- Chris Brady and Bob Cargill startup “Sacred Techs.”
- Chris Brady uploads a discussion of footnotes and endnotes.
- Tim Gombis considers Sherry Turkle’s Alone Together.
- Mark Goodacre notes that The Star of Bethlehem (1912) is available online.
- Rich Brannan mentions the availability of the Cascadia series’ Syntactic Analysis of the Septuagint on Logos Bible Software’s prepublication program.
- Joel Willitts comments on “Jewish Identity Markers in the Pre-exilic Period.”
- Michael Bird ponders the timing of Gal 1:4.
- John Byron and Jim Davila (1, 2) comment on some recent manuscript and archaeological discoveries.
- Matthew Montonini notes the possibility of a free Ephesians ebook commentary offering on Monday.

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