Tag: Language

  • 12 Reasons You Need to Read Your Bible

    12 Reasons You Need to Read Your Bible

    Critical biblical scholarship is irreplaceable. But even when you do this, there are 12 reasons you still need to read your Bible.

  • How to Think about Spiritual Formation and Online Education

    How to Think about Spiritual Formation and Online Education

    Is it possible to foster spiritual formation in online education? Yes, it happens through being present and being in play.

  • Didaktikos 1

    Faithlife has launched a new journal specifically for faculty, Didaktikos, which focuses on issues related to theological education. The primary editor is Douglas Estes, and the editorial board includes Karen Jobes, Randolph Richards, Beth Stovell, and Douglas Sweeney. The inaugural issue includes authors and topics of broad interest: • Mark Noll talks about teaching with expertise…

  • More from JGRChJ in 2016

    Since the last time I mentioned the Journal of Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism, several new articles have been posted to the 2016 volume. These are: Preston T. Massey, “Women, Talking and Silence: 1 Corinthians 11.5 and 14.34-35 in the Light of Greco-Roman Culture Hughson T. Ong, “The Language of the New Testament from a Sociolinguistic…

  • Aubrey on theological lexica

    Mike Aubrey has provided an excerpt from an essay of his in Linguistics & Biblical Exegesis (Lexham, 2016). The excerpt strives carefully to work out a middle ground that is neither wholly on the side of theological lexica nor on that of James Barr’s critique of them. Instead, Mike suggests, If the failure of theological dictionaries was…

  • Empirical Humanist reboot

    Kirk Lowery has recently rebooted his blogsite, The Empirical Humanist, with entries thus far on topics including manuscript transcription, Google indexing, and (of course) language.