Recently in cyberspace:
- Logos Bible Software adds the Major Works of Justin Martyr in Greek to their pre-publication program and the Desiderius Erasmus Collection to their community pricing program.
- Brian LePort celebrates six years of blogging.
- Walmart begins selling Amazon’s Kindle 3G+WiFi and Kindle with Special Offers (HT: Matthew).
- James McGrath reviews Earl Doherty’s Jesus: Neither God Nor Man.
- Ben Myers lectures on Augustine’s De Trinitate (HT: Brian LePort).
- Larry Hurtado discusses monotheism and worship.
- Exploring Our Matrix and Euangelion are moving to
- Michael Bird discusses the Johannine purpose statement (part 1, part 2).
- Marybeth Gasman identifies some “Roadblocks to Doctoral Success.”
- Kathleen Fitzpatrick discusses Digital Humanities.

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