Tag: Themelios

  • Themelios 36.3

    The latest issue of Themelios includes the following articles: Rodney J. Decker, “An Evaluation of the 2011 Edition of the New International Version” Andrew Moody, “That All May Honour the Son: Holding Out For A Deeper Christocentrism” Jonathan Gibson, “Jonathan Edwards: A Missionary?” Melvin Tinker, “Friends: The One With Jesus, Martha, And Mary: An Answer…

  • Themelios 36.1

    The latest issue of Themelios includes the following: Carl Trueman, “Minority Report: Know Your Limits: The Key Secret of Theological Controversy” Keith E. Johnson, “Trinitarian Agency and the Eternal Subordination of the Son: An Augustinian Perspective” Uche Anizor, “A Spirited Humanity: The Trinitarian Ecclesiology of Colin Gunton” Stephen Dempster, “Review Article: Magnum Opus and Magna…

  • Themelios 35.3

    The latest issue of Themelios includes the following: D. A. Carson, “Editorial: Contrarian Reflections on Individualism” Carl Trueman, “Minority Report: Terrible Beauty, Beauty, and the Plain Terrible” Daniel Estes, “Fiction and Truth in the Old Testament Wisdom Literature” Daniel Brendsel, “Plots, Themes, and Responsibilities: The Search for a Center of Biblical Theology Reexamined” Stephen Garrett,…

  • Themelios 35.2

    The mid-year issue of Themelios is now available, and it includes: Carl Trueman, “Minority Report: Not in the Public Interest” Fred G. Zaspel, “B. B. Warfield on Creation and Evolution” Denny Burk, “Why Evangelicals Should Ignore Brian McLaren: How the New Testament Requires Evangelicals to Render a Judgement on the Moral Status of Homosexuality” Stephen…