Tag: Greco-Roman Backgrounds

  • Loebolus

    A new collection of online Loeb Classical Library volumes is now available (HT: Charles Jones). This new collection provides locally-hosted PDFs that can be downloaded without completing a CAPTCHA field. The page also provides a link to a single ZIP file (3.2 GB) that contains all the individual LCL volume PDFs available on the page.

  • Brookins, “Dispute with Stoicism”

    Tim Brookins has the latest article in the Journal of Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism, “Dispute with Stoicism in the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus.” According to Brookins, It is not my aim to continue discussion regarding the criterion for the rich man’s judgment. But I propose that there is more to be said…

  • Cicero on the Earth as Sphere

    Jim Davila has picked up a discussion about ancient testimony to the earth’s spherical shape. Cicero also, by way of his Stoic character Balbus, comments to this effect, saying, [T]he sea, which is above the earth, tends still toward the earth’s centre, and so is itself shaped in conformity to the globe of the earth and…

  • Logos Bible Software and the Perseus Project

    As noted earlier, Logos Bible Software is working on releasing over 3000 texts from the Perseus Project for free to Logos 4 users. Included here is Perseus’s substantive collection of Greek and Latin classics and their translations. This collection also offers access to Perseus’s dictionaries and lexica and integrated searching with the rest of a user’s Logos…

  • The Key Problem(s) in Cicero’s Preamble to The Nature of the Gods

    In his classic on The Nature of the Gods, Cicero identifies the key problem facing him as being “the question whether the gods do nothing, care for nothing, and take their ease detached from all concern with the care and government of the world: or whether on the contrary all things have been created and…

  • Meerson, “One God Supreme”

    Michael Meerson has the latest article in the Journal of Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism, “One God Supreme: A Case Study of Religious Tolerance and Survival.” In this article, Meerson “attempt[s] to combine the consideration of both [θεὸς ὕψιστος and εἷς θεός]” as these titles are found in a sundial inscription from Mount Gerizim (32). For,…