Resources from Tyndale House

Tyndale House, Cambridge, UK
Image via Wikipedia

Tyndale House has done some wonderful work making very helpful resources available online, but today, I stumbled upon the following that I had forgotten or not noticed before:

  • The Tyndale Bulletin is available in full-text from volume 1 forward, excepting the last three years’ issues.
  • The Tyndale House library catalog will return search results that include works available online in full-text.
  • The library’s periodicals section also contains a number of links to journals with full-text articles available online.

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2 responses to “Resources from Tyndale House”

  1. Dennis Craig Baugh Avatar

    The Tyndale site is amazing. Thank you so much. I was able to find a copy of Black’s Grace Theological Journal article from 1985. I had tried my library online access to ATLAS and for some reason GTJ was not available on that system. I will use this alot.

    1. David Stark Avatar

      That’s great. Glad to hear it! 🙂

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