Category: Weblog
Two Problems You Can Have Creating Purple Research
You can have two problems creating purple research. Black or brown research might look purple. Or purple research might look black or brown.
How Can You Make Your Research Remarkable?
Purple, or remarkable, research shares some common elements. But it can also have different shades depending on who it’s for.
Your Research Is Publishable When It’s Purple
It can be hard to define what publishability requires. But knowing whether research is publishable is essentially the same as seeing whether a cow is purple.
Can Your Research Really Be for Your Faith Community?
Faith communities can be perfectly valid audiences for your research. And like any audience, that who will naturally shape your what.
What Do You Want Your Research to Be?
Once you know who your research is for, you can then determine what it means to create publishable research for them.
Your Research Actually Isn’t Just for Your Professor
If you’re a student, your research isn’t just for your professor because your assignment likely imitates something outside your class.