This year’s second issue of the Bulletin for Biblical Research arrived in the mail yesterday and includes the following:
- Brian Gault, “An Admonition against ‘Rousing Love’: The Meaning of the Enigmatic Refrain in Song of Songs,” 161–84
- William Wilder, “The Use (or Abuse) of Power in High Places: Gifts Given and Received in Isaiah, Psalm 68, and Ephesians 4:8,” 185–200
- Gerald Peterman, “Plural You: On the Use and Abuse of the Second Person,” 201–14
- Craig Keener, “Spirit Possession as a Cross-cultural Experience,” 215–36
- Joshua Jipp and Michael Thate, “Dating Thomas: Logion 53 as a Test Case for Dating the Gospel of Thomas within an Early Christian Trajectory,” 237–56
- Book reviews, 257–307
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