Tag: Society of Biblical Literature

  • How to Type Biblical Languages in Unicode

    How to Type Biblical Languages in Unicode

    In biblical studies, you need to be able to type biblical languages. Transliteration can work, but you can’t always bank on using it. Instead, use Unicode.

  • How to Have Your Best Academic Conference

    How to Have Your Best Academic Conference

    Academic conferences can be hard to do well. But some simple steps can help you have your best meeting yet.

  • How to Easily Cite ANF and NPNF with Zotero

    How to Easily Cite ANF and NPNF with Zotero

    There are more up-to-date translations of the fathers. But if you do use ANF or NPNF, Zotero can handle SBL style’s special citation format.

  • Authorities for SBL Style: School House Style

    Authorities for SBL Style: School House Style

    We’ve previously started exploring authorities for SBL style by discussing publishers’ house styles. A publisher’s house style might be based on SBLHS, but it might also require several things that differ from the SBLHS and other authorities. It isn’t spelled out in the SBLHS, but there’s another application of this principle if you’re a student…

  • Authorities for SBL Style: Publisher House Style

    Authorities for SBL Style: Publisher House Style

    As comprehensive as it is, the SBL Handbook of Style (SBLHS; affiliate disclosure) doesn’t include everything.1 Instead, you’ll often need other sources to determine what SBL style requires. Knowing where and when to refer to these other sources can be tricky. In this series, we dispel this mystery and discuss seven common authorities for SBL…

  • Daily Gleanings (26 April 2019)

    Nijay Gupta digests the main resources he suggests for “mov[ing] from biblical text to theology and application.” According to a recent email from the Society of Biblical Literature to its members, JSTOR has invited SBL into a two-year pilot program that provides access for all SBL members to more than eighty journals in JSTOR’s Religion…