Tag: Research

  • Logos 5

    Logos Bible Software is now shipping version 5. For an overview of the new version, see the playlist below: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWQHdeSLeiU&feature=autoplay&list=PLXkjd_l1xkSQAozD4PNGZALI6GolOqTas

  • Open-Access JETS Archive

    If I had noticed it before, it had since slipped my mind. But, the PDF archive for the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society is largely open-access. The open-access portion of the archive contains all the Journal’s volumes except those from the past two full years, which are accessible to subscribers. The archive also contains…

  • The Imaging Papyri Project

    The Oxford University Classics Faculty’s PINAX “is a digital library comprised of collections of displayed papyrus images and texts at Oxford.” Texts include papyri from Antinoopolis, Herculaneum, and Oxyrhynchus, as well as magical texts (HT: Charles Jones).

  • Göttingen Septuagint Sigla Chart

    Further thanks to Jonathan Kiel (via Brian Davidson) for passing along Miles Van Pelt’s Göttingen Septuagint sigla chart PDF.

  • Kindling Cave 4?

    Amazon’s selection of texts available for the Kindle platform occasionally includes some interesting oddities. For instance, those who really want to do so can apparently read the Discoveries in the Judaean Desert volumes 10 (4QMMT) and 16 (cave 4 calendrical texts) on Kindle for a mere $239.20 and $254.34 respectively, without print-equivalent page numbers. Or,…

  • On the Web (July 22, 2012)

    On the web: Tokens makes available the final part of their interview with Walter Brueggemann. Theological Studies has back issues from 5 years ago and beyond freely available online (HT: Charles Jones). Michael Halcomb reflects on some of Albert Schweitzer’s comments on Christian scholars. Tommy Keene highlights BibleArc. Archive.org has Gordon Fee’s PhD thesis available…