Tag: Nijay Gupta

  • Daily Gleanings: Greek New Testament (2 August 2019)

    Zondervan’s “Critical Introductions” series volume on 1–2 Thessalonians, by Nijay Gupta, is now available. Nijay comments, About seven years ago, Mike Bird approached me with this project. He inspired me to do two things: (1) research and write this volume on the level of something in the Anchor-Yale reference series and (2) read every academic…

  • Pro Tips for Busy Writers: Nijay Gupta

    Pro Tips for Busy Writers: Nijay Gupta

    Nijay Gupta provides a number of pro tips for busy writers in biblical studies. Nijay stresses the importance of planning, organization, and persistence.

  • Daily Gleanings (26 April 2019)

    Nijay Gupta digests the main resources he suggests for “mov[ing] from biblical text to theology and application.” According to a recent email from the Society of Biblical Literature to its members, JSTOR has invited SBL into a two-year pilot program that provides access for all SBL members to more than eighty journals in JSTOR’s Religion…

  • Gupta, Lewis on ambition and pride

    Stimulated by Craig Hill’s Servant of All: Status, Ambition, and the Way of Jesus (Eerdmans, 2016),  Nijay Gupta provides some interesting excerpts and reflections. He comments, in part, I have learned that I cannot control what other people think of me. I need to be driven by what I think is right, keep my pride in…

  • Other discussion of Bates, “Salvation by allegiance”

    In commenting about theLAB’s interview with Matthew Bates, I overlooked having saved a couple other recent interactions with his Salvation by Allegiance Alone: Rethinking Faith, Works, and the Gospel of Jesus the King (Baker, 2017): Nijay Gupta provides a friendly, largely affirmative, and probing set of thoughts. Thomas Schreiner expresses his appreciation for some of the volume’s core…

  • Hays at B&C

    Late last year, Books and Culture interviewed Richard Hays about some of his story and common themes in his work. Stemming from Hays’s similarly titled book, one of the questions addressed is “How is reading backward in a figural sense different from reading prophecy forward?” In response, Hays comments, in part, To be sure, in…