Tag: Graeme Goldsworthy

  • Goldsworthy, Christ-Centered Biblical Theology

    New out earlier this year was Graeme Goldsworthy’s Christ-Centered Biblical Theology: Hermeneutical Foundations and Principles (InterVarsity). On the volume’s product page, the folks at the Westminster Bookstore have made available a PDF containing the volume’s first chapter, “Biblical Theology: Lame Duck or Eagles’ Wings?” (19–37).

  • Biblical-theological Preaching at the Westminster Bookstore

    In acknowledgement of Westminster Seminary’s Preaching Conference later this month, the Westminster Bookstore is running a half (or more)-off special on Edmund Clowney’s Preaching and Biblical Theology, Graeme Goldsworthy’s Preaching the Whole Bible as Christian Scripture, as well as a number of other resources.