Tag: 2 Corinthians

  • Research on (Re)writing Prophets in the Corinthian Correspondence

    Research on (Re)writing Prophets in the Corinthian Correspondence

    If hermeneutics of “rewritten Bible” are highlighted, it’s easier to compare these texts and their hermeneutics with Paul’s interpretive work.

  • Journal of Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism (2016)

    Rick Brannan posted a couple tweets recently about 2016 articles from the Journal of Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism (1, 2). The journal had apparently fallen out of my list of RSS subscriptions somehow, so I was grateful for the prompt. The full list of 2016 articles in JGRChJ is: Seth M. Ehorn and Mark Lee,…

  • The Christ of His Christ

    In due order within The City of God’s longer discussion of Hannah’s prayer at Samuel’s dedication,1 Augustine arrives at the clause, “[a]nd [he] shall exalt the horn of His Christ” (1 Sam 2:10). Here, Augustine ponders: How shall Christ exalt the horn of His Christ? For He of whom it was said above, “The Lord…

  • Bulletin for Biblical Research 22, no. 2

    The latest issue of the Bulletin for Biblical Research arrived in yesterday’s mail and includes: Beat Weber, “Toward a Theory of the Poetry of the Hebrew Bible: The Poetry of the Psalms as a Test Case” Grant LeMarquand, “The Bible as Specimen, Talisman, and Dragoman in Africa: A Look at Some African Uses of the Psalms and…

  • Forthcoming in BBR: “Rewriting Prophets in the Corinthian Correspondence”

    The folks at the Bulletin for Biblical Research have very kindly agreed to publish a revised version of my presentation from the November, 2009 meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society: “Rewriting Prophets in the Corinthian Correspondence: A Window on Paul’s Hermeneutic.” To provide just a bit fuller picture of the essay’s argument: In the broadest…