Tag: Zotero

  • Zotero 3.0.2

    Zotero 3.0.2 is now available. The update includes a number of bug fixes, including several word-processor integration improvements. For the change log, see here.

  • Zotero 3.0.1

    Zotero 3.0.1 is now available. The update includes several bug fixes and some important performance enhancements for LibreOffice integration. For the change log, see here.

  • Zotero 3.0 Stable

    The stable release of Zotero 3.0 is now available: Zotero 3.0 marks a major departure from previous versions, most notably with the new ability run outside the Firefox browser. Available for Mac, Windows, and Linux, this standalone version of Zotero contains all the great functionality of the old Firefox-based Zotero but now enables users to integrate…

  • Changing Zotero Standalone’s Default PDF Viewer in Ubuntu

    Apparently, the Gnome desktop environment for Linux systems has an issue with handling some user-specified default application choices. When using Zotero in Ubuntu, therefore, it may be necessary to edit /etc/gnome/defaults.list manually in order to have Zotero default to a PDF viewer besides Evince (e.g., Okular). Changing the “application/pdf=evince.desktop” line in this file to reflect the…

  • Zotero 3.0 Beta

    The Zotero 3.0 beta is now available. This beta release represents an exciting step forward in the Zotero Everywhere project. Included in this release are: Zotero 3.0b1 for Firefox, Zotero Standalone 3.0b1 for Windows, Mac, and Linux, and Zotero Connector Betas for Chrome and Safari. For more details, see the original announcement and the change log.

  • Major Zotero Updates Forthcoming

    Over the next couple weeks, Zotero users will see some major updates and new tools released, including: A new, read-write enabled website, Beta versions of Zotero standalone and its browser connectors, and A redesigned interface for integration Microsoft Word and OpenOffice.org. For more details, please see the Zotero Blog.