Tag: Textual Criticism

  • On the Web (July 24, 2012)

    On the web: Tommy Wasserman notes a new iOS app for New Testament manuscripts. E. K. McFall has the latest article in the Journal of Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism: “Are Dionysos and Oedipus Name Variatnios for Satan and Antichrist?” Dan Wallace recounts an experience of reading a manuscript that “doesn’t exist.” Alin Suciu highlights Lorenzo…

  • Origen on the Web (June 22, 2012)

    On the web: Jim Davila reports the discovery of some previously lost Greek homilies on the Psalms, potentially by Origen (1, 2). Peter Williams provides a link to a set of images of the manuscript. Roger Pearse comments on the press release and quotes Jerome’s catalogue of Origen’s writings. Alin Suciu passes along a letter…

  • Dan Wallace Comments on Recent Manuscript Discoveries

    Via Michael Bird: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DpWsgDMmaI

  • New Romans Fragment

    New within the past few days in Hobby Lobby’s collection of biblical antiquities is a small fragment from Rom 9–10 (HT: Peter Williams). For the fragment’s brief spot on CNN, see here. The fragment’s proposed date is the mid-second century. The side displayed in the CNN footage contains five lines. The image quality isn’t fantastic, but…

  • Irenaeus on 666 and 616

    In his Against Heresies, Irenaeus argues that 666 is a particularly “fitting” number for the name of the beast in Rev 13:18: since he sums up in his own person all the commixture of wickedness which took place previous to the deluge, due to the apostasy of the angels. For Noah was six hundred years…

  • Textual Research on the Bible

    Through its Academic Bible website’s homepage, the German Bible Society is offering a free download of the brochure Textual Research on the Bible: Introductions to the Scholarly Editions of the German Bible Society. The Society envisions that the brochure will provide insight into this fascinating field of research. We have particularly in mind the interests of first-year students,…