Tag: Second Temple Judaism

  • Review of Biblical Literature Newsletter (October 31, 2012)

    The latest reviews from the Review of Biblical Literature include: New Testament and Cognate Studies Jo-Ann A. Brant, John, reviewed by Matthew Gordley Bart B. Bruehler, A Public and Political Christ: The Social-Spatial Characteristics of Luke 18:35–19:43 and the Gospel as a Whole in Its Ancient Context, reviewed by John Cowan Jaime Clark-Soles, Engaging the Word: The…

  • Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 55, no. 2

    The latest issue of the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society arrived in yesterday’s mail and includes the following: David Chapman and Andreas Köstenberger, “Jewish Intertestamental and Early Rabbinic Literature: An Annotated Bibliographic Resource Updated (Part 1)” Armin Baum, “A Theological Justification for the Canonical Status of Literary Forgeries: Jacob’s Deceit (Genesis 27) and Petr Pokorný’s Sola…

  • Translation and Rewriting

    In his translator’s comments on Cicero’s Nature of the Gods, H. C. P. McGregor makes the following observation about the task of translation: One can . . . choose verbal accuracy at any price, translate each sentence word for word, and so produce a safe bud deadly crib. In an opposite extreme, one may throw…

  • Forthcoming in BBR: “Rewriting Prophets in the Corinthian Correspondence”

    The folks at the Bulletin for Biblical Research have very kindly agreed to publish a revised version of my presentation from the November, 2009 meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society: “Rewriting Prophets in the Corinthian Correspondence: A Window on Paul’s Hermeneutic.” To provide just a bit fuller picture of the essay’s argument: In the broadest…

  • Second Temple Literature as a “Cultural Script”

    While reading Darrell Bock’s Studying the Historical Jesus in preparation for class this fall, I came across the following, insightful comment: Every culture has its “cultural script” that is assumed in its communication. These [Second Temple Jewish] sources help us get a reading on the cultural script at work in the time of Jesus. They…