Tag: SBL Press

  • Authorities for SBL Style: Abbreviations, Spelling

    Authorities for SBL Style: Abbreviations, Spelling

    We’ve mentioned three levels of authorities for SBL style that apply across your whole project.1 These include house styles (from a publisher or a school), the SBLHS blog, and of course, the SBLHS itself. The next four authorities apply in specific cases. Here, we’ll cover the first two—those for abbreviations and spelling. 4. Specific-case Authorities…

  • Daily Gleanings (4 June 2019)

    Citing personal communication with Andrew Errington, Brian Rosner suggests the following apt analogy on “Paul and the Law”: Discussing Paul and the Law is a bit like being watched while you carve a chicken: it’s fairly easy to start well, but you quickly have to make some tricky decisions (about which everyone has an opinion),…

  • Authorities for SBL Style: SBL

    Authorities for SBL Style: SBL

    Recently, we’ve been exploring some of the major authorities for SBL style. Thus far, we’ve discussed the importance of house styles maintained both by publishers and by schools. House styles need to be learned carefully because they may make important modifications to what SBL style otherwise calls for. But of course, the whole point of…

  • Authorities for SBL Style: Publisher House Style

    Authorities for SBL Style: Publisher House Style

    As comprehensive as it is, the SBL Handbook of Style (SBLHS; affiliate disclosure) doesn’t include everything.1 Instead, you’ll often need other sources to determine what SBL style requires. Knowing where and when to refer to these other sources can be tricky. In this series, we dispel this mystery and discuss seven common authorities for SBL…

  • Generation Designations (Jr., III, etc.) in Zotero for the SBL Handbook of Style

    Per the SBL Handbook of Style (§, generation designations in names should be handled as follows: First note: Tremper Longman III, “Form Criticism, Recent Developments in Genre Theory, and the Evangelical,” WTJ 47.1 (1985): 46–67. Subsequent note: Longman, “Form Criticism,” 58. Bibliography: Longman, Tremper, III. “Form Criticism, Recent Developments in Genre Theory, and the Evangelical.”…

  • Change Word Styles to Direct Formatting in 10 Steps

    Change Word Styles to Direct Formatting in 10 Steps

    One of the best ways to ensure consistent formatting in a Word document is to use styles.1 But, you might also need to be able to turn these styles into “direct” formatting. If you apply a style to text, the text will be formatted as the style specifies (e.g., a first-level heading, a block quotation).…