Tag: SBL Handbook of Style

  • How to Accommodate Publication Year Ranges in Zotero

    How to Accommodate Publication Year Ranges in Zotero

    At present, Zotero’s “date” field doesn’t properly handle publications made over a range of years (e.g., 1950–1960).1 Instead of including the full range in the corresponding note or bibliography entry, only the first year of the range would be presented (e.g., 1950). If the Range Has an End There is, however, a workaround that depends…

  • The Chicago and SBL Manuals

    The Chicago and SBL Manuals

    The Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) has been updated to its 17th edition (2017).1 According to the second edition of the SBL Handbook of Style (SBLHS), Currently in its 16th edition, The Chicago Manual of Style remains the most comprehensive general authority on editorial style and publishing practices. Answers to questions not addressed in this handbook may be…

  • Zotero forum thread on commas, periods, and closing quotation marks

    I’ve recently had a discussion over at the Zotero forums that brought to light a couple interesting points that I hadn’t been aware of: There’s currently in beta a major update to Zotero 5.0, which includes several important feature changes. The beta isn’t quite ready for prime time yet but should be “very soon.” Included in…

  • Starting sentences with “and” or “but”

    The SBLHS blog has a helpful discussion on the use of “and” or “but” at the start of a sentence. And they are permissible. But one should use them sparingly. For the full and very helpful post, please see the SBLHS blog.

  • A further update on Migne’s “Patrologia Latina”

    SBL Press has clarified its guidance about citing J.-P. Migne’s Patrologia Latina based on the discovery that various year’s printings of certain volumes within Patrologia Latina have differences. Among these differences are variations in the column arrangements for the texts contained in Patrologia Latina. The Press’s initial recommendation was that authors always check a PL volume title…

  • Migne’s “Patrologia Latina”: Mystery solved

    There’s some fun to be had in hunting up references to and citing instances where volumes from Migne’s Patrologia latina exist in different versions. The folks at SBL Press have kindly resolved the mystery. Most significantly, SBL Press notes, According to the Patrologia Latina Database … , PL’s printing history can be divided into two…