Tag: On the Web

  • On the Web (December 22, 2011)

    On the web: John Byron passes along some advice for seminary from a graduating seminarian. N. T. Wright reviews Benedict, Casey, and Fisk’s recent works on Jesus (HT: Michael Bird). Dove Booksellers has available, as of this writing, 133 volumes from Richard Longenecker’s library (HT: Michael Bird). Dirk Jongkind comments on Vaticanus’s regular preference for…

  • On the Web (November 17, 2011)

    On the web: Logos Bible Software is developing their edition of Meyer’s New Testament commentary under development, and releases several plugins for Biblia.com. Robert Holmstedt and John Cook discusses “Genesis 1.1 and Topic-fronting before a Wayyiqtol.” Robert Woods discusses Stratford Caldecott’s Beauty for Truth’s Sake. Larry Hurtado highlights Ragnar Leivestad’s “Exit the Apocalyptic Son of…

  • On the Web (November 11, 2011)

    On the Web: Cliff Johnson reproduces, with permission, C. S. Lewis’s keen essay “Meditation in a Toolshed.” The Society of Biblical Literature releases Klaus Wachtel and Michael Holmes, ed., The Textual History of the Greek New Testament: Changing Views in Contemporary Research, about which Tommy Wasserman provides some additional information and links. Andy provides the…

  • On the Web (November 10, 2011)

    On the web: Larry Hurtado discusses historical Jesus research. Brian LePort notes that Kevin Vanhoozer has returned to Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Jim Davila highlights a Jerusalem Post article on the significance of the Talmud for liberal arts education. The bibliobloggers decide on a time and place to meet for dinner during the SBL Annual…

  • On the Web (October 27, 2011)

    On the web: David Croteau compiles a recent Liberty University symposium on Bible translation, featuring Ray Clendenen (HCSB), Wayne Grudem (ESV), and Douglas Moo (NIV; HT: Rod Decker). Michael Kruger discusses the Gospels’ authorship (HT: Brian LePort). Tim Henderson highlights a new German edition of Hennecke-Schneemelcher’s Christian Apocrypha. Charles Jones reflects on the first year…

  • On the Web (October 25, 2011)

    On the web: The Nomad Podcast interviews N. T. Wright (HT: Brian LePort). Michael Halcomb discusses “‘Appealing To The Greek’ or ‘How (Not) To Do A Word Study.’” Tommy Wasserman considers Bart Ehrman and intrinsic evidence. Michael Bird highlights a performance of Hebrews. Robert Holmstedt comments on biblical Hebrew diachrony. Charles Jones notes papyri images…