Tag: Greek

  • Why Searching Shouldn’t Replace Reading

    As a prefatory note to this post, I’ve noted before my very great appreciation for what Faithlife does through its Logos Bible Software platform. I’ve been using Logos to some extent since the early “Libronix” versions and more so for about the past 8 years. One of the feature’s I’ve appreciated about the software is the…

  • Advice for Learning Greek

    Advice from Murray Harris: As for the study habit that has proved most helpful in my academic career, it is this. There is no better way to become proficient in Greek, to gain a “feel” for the language, and to become enriched by the theology of the New Testament than the regular memorization of the…

  • Milligan on the Papyri

    Rob Bradshaw has made available George Milligan’s essay, “The Greek Papyri: With Special Reference to Their Value for New Testament Study,” Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute 44 (1912): 62–78.

  • Nicoll, Expositor's Greek Testament (vol. 5) Free @Logos

    As their free book of the month, Logos Bible Software is giving away volume 5 of the Expositor’s Greek Testament, edited by W. Robertson Nicoll. Volume 5 includes: J. H. A. Hart, “The First Epistle General of Peter” R. H. Strachan, “The Second Epistle General of Peter” David Smith, “The Epistles of John” J. B. Mayor, “The…

  • The Perseus Catalog 1.0

    According to the Perseus Digital Library at Tufts University: The Perseus Digital Library is pleased to announce the 1.0 Release of the Perseus Catalog. The Perseus Catalog is an attempt to provide systematic catalog access to at least one online edition of every major Greek and Latin author (both surviving and fragmentary) from antiquity to 600 CE. Still…

  • Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 56, no. 1

    The latest issue of the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society arrived in yesterday’s mail and includes the following: Paul House, “Investing in the Ruins: Jeremiah and Theological Vocation” Daniel Block, “‘What Do These Stones Mean?’: The Riddle of Deuteronomy 27” Paul Tanner, “The Cost of Discipleship: Losing One’s Life for Jesus’ Sake” Greg Rhodea, “Did Matthew…