Tag: Daily Gleanings

  • Daily Gleanings (10 June 2019)

    Citing a typical description of early Christian scribal culture, Michael Kruger comments: There are a lot of claims in this brief couple of sentences. Unfortunately, virtually every one of them is mistaken. Kruger then proceeds to discuss three ways in which this early culture was comparatively more professional and competent than it is often described…

  • Daily Gleanings (7 June 2019)

    John Meade is edging closer to the publication of his volume of Hexaplaric fragments for Job 22–42: I can finally announce that my critical edition is set to be released this Fall. I still need to work through  another round of proofs this summer, but it will appear by SBL in San Diego. This is…

  • Daily Gleanings (6 June 2019)

    Timo Paananen has had is doctoral dissertation accepted at the University of Helsinki. The project is “A Study in Authenticity: Admissible Concealed Indicators of Authority and Other Features of Forgeries—A Case Study on Clement of Alexandria, Letter to Theodore, and the Longer Gospel of Mark.” The project is openly available online. HT: AWOL Mike Aubrey…

  • Daily Gleanings: Articles (5 June 2019)

    Benjamin Giffone has an interesting article in the most recent issue of the European Journal of Theology, entitled “Technologising of Word and Sacrament: Deuteronomy 14:24–26 and Intermediation in Worship.” According to the abstract, This paper explores the effects of introducing intermediating technologies into worship, through the lens of media ecology. Just like ‘writing is a…

  • Daily Gleanings (4 June 2019)

    Citing personal communication with Andrew Errington, Brian Rosner suggests the following apt analogy on “Paul and the Law”: Discussing Paul and the Law is a bit like being watched while you carve a chicken: it’s fairly easy to start well, but you quickly have to make some tricky decisions (about which everyone has an opinion),…

  • Daily Gleanings: Post Updates (3 June 2019)

    I’ve been grateful to be able to materially update two prior posts with additional content: Publication Year Ranges in Zotero: Previously, this post described how to get Zotero to produce the proper output when citing a series or multivolume work as a whole that was published over a range of years. The prior post version,…