• Bookshelf Updates

    Subheadings have now come to the bookshelf. Some of the lists of works under main headings had become quite long and unwieldy, but the subheadings should help minimize the length of the individual lists. While additional subsections will certainly be required as the bookshelf grows, the sections presently large enough to demand subheadings include Gospels…

  • Blogroll Updates

    The blogroll has been updated and transferred from its own page to a sidebar widget. Also, Greek blog titles are now alphabetized according to the Greek alphabet rather than their transliteration. So, for example, titles beginning with (Greek) epsilon are alphabetized after titles beginning with (English) gee. Look for several additions to appear in the…

  • Greek Resources: Links Updated

    The link list on the Greek resources page has been updated and expanded to include some additional, online resources for studying New Testament Greek and the Greek New Testament.

  • New Testament Greek Resources

    A new page is now available that will eventually house several resources for learning New Testament Greek. Currently, the page features MP3 audio recordings of the basic verb and noun paradigms as well as some songs that have been translated into Greek. Repeatedly hearing these paradigms and the songs in which they are used can…

  • The Interpretation of the New Testament, 1861–1986: Interaction

    Neill’s stated purpose for his book was “to provide a narrative [about the interpretation of the New Testament] that can be read without too much trouble by the non-theologian who is anxious to know and is prepared to devote some time to the subject” (ix). This task he seems to have done masterfully well, with…

  • New Bookshelf Section

    The bookshelf has a new section on faith and scholarship, which (for starters) includes the following works: