• Background Transparency for the Biblioblog-SBL Affiliate Badge

    Thanks to Mark Hoffman for introducing a version of the Biblioblog-SBL Affiliate badge with a non-white background. With this color change, in an effort at collaborative improvement, I was able to get OpenOffice.org Draw to translate this background to transparent for use on blogs or places on blogs with non-white backgrounds.

  • In the Biblioblogs

    A few recent, noteworthy posts in the biblioblogs: Michael Bird and Michael Whitenton have an article in the newest issue of New Testament Studies: “The Faithfulness of Jesus Christ in Hippolytus’s De Christo et Antichristo: Overlooked Patristic Evidence in the Πίστις Χριστοῦ Debate.” Michael Kok has Biblical Studies Carnival 45 (Bible Theme Park) available over…

  • Keeping Things in Perspective

    In mid-June, I posted a review of Paul Silvia’s book How to Write a Lot with an additional tool for tracking writing progress. Yet, for academic work, non-productive non-writing time can be at least as important as important: Is academic writing more important than spending time with your family and friends, petting the dog, and…

  • Site Updates

    For the past several weeks, I have been working on some reasonably substantial changes to the site that should make it more useful and beneficial. With these changes completed and my comprehensive exams on the horizon (in both a hermeneutical and a temporal sense), I hope to begin regularly posting again quite soon. For anyone…

  • Blogging and Biblical Studies: Thoughts from N. T. Wright and Thomas Kuhn

    In his Justification: God’s Plan and Paul’s Vision, N. T. Wright reflects: It is really high time we developed a Christian ethic of blogging. Bad temper is bad temper even in the apparent privacy of your own hard drive, and harsh and unjust words, when released into the wild, rampage around and do real damage. .…

  • ΠΑΡΑΛΕΙΠΟΜΕΝΑ: From Page to Category

    Over the past several weeks, I’ve become convinced that the Παραλειπόμενα page would be more serviceable as a post category. Below are the current παραλειπόμενα not also included in other posts; a complete selection of the παραλειπόμενα can be obtained by clicking the παραλειπόμενα category link.